Where we are and how to reach us
Location map
How to find us
Address: Via Gloria Bortolotti De Poli, 84070 Scario (SA), phone +39 0974-986068 / 026575639
Distance: Roma 380 km, Milano 951 km, Torino 1.070 km.
How to arrive:
By car: take motorway A1, then the A3 Salerno-Reggio Calabria to the exit of Padula Buonabitacolo. Turn left onto the state highway18, heading south for a few tens of metres, then turn right towards Sapri, Policastro Bussentino, Scario.
By air: Naples airport offers connections with all Italian cities.
By train: all Eurostar stop at Sapri (also with sleeping car and couchettes), only 15 km from La Francesca. From here you can take a taxi or a bus.